Be Happy

Why are my thoughts all over the place? I try to stay conscious throughout my day, focusing on the moment I’m in and the next thing I know, I’m on Instagram, or the news app, or anywhere else I get distracted. It happens to ALL of us, rest assured, but how do you quiet your mind from all the excessive “noise” in our current world?

Many of you know I practice a meditation called Vipassana. Vipassana means seeing things as they truly are. But, how do we do that and, more importantly, what does that mean?

I know for myself I am very clever at seeing things the way I wish them to be. When I do this, I am only creating pain and suffering for myself and others close to my proximity, because I am not perceiving things as they truly are.

Vipassana meditation is a process much like yoga and life coaching, inasmuch as they are about self-observation. It’s through being aware that we can then begin the purification process of mind and body. I know for myself the first step is awareness. Awareness of what I am feeling, thinking, and how I am behaving. When I am able to observe my thoughts and ask myself the question, “Am I causing any pain towards myself and/or others?” It’s in that moment that we can be objective and see that we can never really change what is real, nor can we change others. We can, however, change our perspectives, our attitudes and our actions. It’s a form of loving kindness to ourselves first, and then we can carry that same kindness to others.

What gets in the way of our happiness, and how can we be happy?

The three things that get in the way of our serenity-cravings, aversion and ignorance. 

I don’t know about you, but I deal with all three, DAILY. 

Vipassana meditations help eliminate the three causes of all unhappiness. This of course requires daily practice and determination. When we practice this technique, we start to release the tensions that develop throughout our day. It’s those knots in the body, and the mind, I am talking about. Through practice, we can open up the knots that are tied to our old habits of “reacting” to life instead of living through our lives.

All of us share this same problem of cravings, aversion and ignorance. When we choose to live our lives in awareness and self-observation, we can eradicate these problems. This process of self-purification is never easy. My teacher states, “It’s a deep operation of the unconscious and conscious mind.” For me it’s worth the effort and dedication to find freedom, peace and calm within my body and mind and in my daily life.

Working with a life coach helps us get real with our old habits, our limiting beliefs and our everyday patterns. A coach guides us towards the light of discovery and into the world of possibilities, allowing us to move forward in all areas of our lives. To BE HAPPY!

Carrie Costello